Politics of Latin America by Harry E. Vanden; Gary PrevostCall Number: JL960 .V36 2009
Publication Date: 2008
Politics of Latin America explores both the evolution and the current state of the political scene in Latin America. Distinguishing itself from more traditional works on Latin American politics, this text demonstrates a nuanced sensitivity to the use and abuse of power and the importance of social conditions, gender, race, globalization, and political economy throughout Latin America. This new edition includes a new chapter on Bolivia and a stronger focus on anti-neoliberal economics, U.S.-Latin American relations, women's issues, and social movements. The first part of the book presents relevant information about the region's geographic setting, history, economics, society, people, and religion, setting the stage for a more detailed analysis of the politics, democratization, political culture, political movements, and revolution in Latin America. The second part of the book consists of carefully constructed case studies of ten representative Latin American nations. Each case study traces the historical development of key political actors and institutions, analyzing contemporary power configurations.