Tae Hyun Lim
Data Science/Analysis Research Librarian
Office Hours: Burke 354
Tuesday 9:00am to noon
Lynn Mayo
Research & Electronic Resources Librarian
Schedule an appointment
With the January 20, 2025 change in presidential administrations, data on many government web sites has disappeared or is no longer accessible. There are many efforts underway to try to preserve and make historical and current government data available to researchers and the public. In this guide we've compiled a list of articles about these efforts, recommended best practices, data preservation repositories, and alternative resources to assist Hamilton researchers.
More than 1,000,000 statistics on 80,000 topics from around 18,000 sources.
What content is available on Social Explorer?
Get Help with Data
A MyData account is required to download members-only data and some publicly available data. Over 700+ studies are available for online data analysis (i.e., no downloading required) using Survey Documentation Analysis (SDA).
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research data archive of more than 800,000 files of research in the social sciences. It hosts 16 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.
Help Center
Resources for Instructors
Teaching with Data
Note: Questions regarding data holdings should be directed to: Lynn Mayo, ICPSR Official Representative at Hamilton College, Burke Library, 315-859-4746.
A statistics portal with data from over 22,500 sources -- private, public, and proprietary from North America, Europe, and Asia. Also included are U.S. industry reports, country reports, and colorful infographics.
All statistics can be downloaded as PowerPoint, Excel, and JPEG files, along with the original source with full citations in APA, Chicago, Harvard, and MLA formats.
Macro-level Data Available Online
A statistics portal with data from over 22,500 sources -- private, public, and proprietary from North America, Europe, and Asia. Also included are U.S. industry reports, country reports, and colorful infographics.
All statistics can be downloaded as PowerPoint, Excel, and JPEG files, along with the original source with full citations in APA, Chicago, Harvard, and MLA formats.
Micro-level Data Available Online
NOTE: Registration required to view questions/results and to download data sets.
The largest collection of poll data anywhere. Broad topical coverage of opinions and behavior on social issues, politics, pop culture, and international affairs. Coverage: 1935-present.
Macro-level Data Available Online
A statistics portal with data from over 22,500 sources -- private, public, and proprietary from North America, Europe, and Asia. Also included are U.S. industry reports, country reports, and colorful infographics.
All statistics can be downloaded as PowerPoint, Excel, and JPEG files, along with the original source with full citations in APA, Chicago, Harvard, and MLA formats.
Micro-level Data Available Online
Resources Available In-person
A search engine for datasets.
Using a simple keyword search, users can discover datasets hosted in thousands of repositories across the Web.
Discover research data available in a growing number of data repositories worldwide. About 80 repositories are currently indexed by the Data Citation Index. Each record also includes a recommended citation for the resource, helping to make data easier to cite. Coverage: 1900-present.
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